Health Organization Administration B.B.A.
The Health Organizations Administration degree strives to prepare individuals to train to become a health service manager with the ability to manage departments and programs in all aspects of health service organizations as well as understand the importance the collaborative efforts include public health initiatives. This degree will provide students with skills to develop, plan, and manage health care operations and services within health care facilities and across health care systems whether they manage an entire facility or system or specific departments or services.
HOA courses only offered online. All core business courses can be taken in all formats: online, blended and face to face.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Develop an awareness of health care industry organizations, environments, and systems.
- Develop an awareness of global / international issues as they related to health service organizations.
- Develop leadership and management skills necessary to work effectively in health service organizations.
- Demonstrate the ability to work effectively in multi-disciplinary health service organizational settings.
- Identify and analyze ethical dilemmas and propose resolution for management situations.
- Apply technology skills for medication information systems.
- Show evidence of critical thinking and problem solving with an integrative project or assignment.
Healthcare Administration - 15 hours (1136)
- HCA 4013 - Leadership, Policy and Ethics
- HCA 4533 - Group Practice Management
- HCA 3000/4000 level electives (3 hrs)
- BADM / HCA / MGMT 3000/4000 level electives (6 hrs)
Health Informatics - 15 hours (1137)
- HCA 4323 - Health Information Analytics
- IS 4293 - Business Database Management Systems
- MGMT 4103 - Business Decision Analysis
- MGMT 4143 - Project Management
BADM / HCA / MGMT 3000/4000 level electives (3 hrs)
Transfer Agreements
- TCC Business Administration AS to NSU Health Organizations Admin-Health Informatics BBA
- TCC Business Administration AS to NSU Health Organizations Admin-Healthcare Admin BBA
HOA Degree Completion Program
The Degree Completion Program offers you the opportunity to turn your associate's degree into a bachelor's degree.
Accelerated B.B.A. Health Organizations Admin: Healthcare Admin or Health Informatics to M.B.A. Business Admin: Healthcare Admin or Health Informatics
Note: Please refer to Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program for complete information concerning the Accelerated Degree Program. Refer to the current Graduate Catalog for master’s degree requirements.
- Students admitted to the Accelerated B.B.A. Health Organizations: Healthcare Administration or Health Informatics to M.B.A. Business Administration: Healthcare Administration or Health Informatics degree program will complete up to 12 hours of graduate level credit to apply toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees.
- Students may not receive credit toward both the undergraduate and the paired graduate-level course. A student completing an undergraduate course and the paired graduate-level course will only receive credit for one course toward the bachelor’s degree.
- A minimum grade of C is required for all 5000 level graduate courses.
- Students who do not follow the approved degree plan may become ineligible to continue in the accelerated degree program.
- Prior to completing the undergraduate degree, if the undergraduate GPA, graduate GPA and/or overall GPA fall below a 3.00, the student becomes ineligible to continue in the ADP.
- Students may withdraw from an approved accelerated degree pathway. Graduate credit hours completed prior to the student withdrawing or becoming ineligible to continue in the ADP apply toward the undergraduate degree only.
HCA 4323 - Health Information Analytics | HCA 5523 - Health Informatics Survey |
IS 4293 - Business Database Management Systems | HCA 5423 - Health Services Technology and Application |
MGMT 4103 - Business Decision Analysis | MGMT 5103 - Business Analytics Techniques |
MGMT 4143 - Project Management | MBA 5513 - Project Management |
HCA 4013 - Leadership, Policy & Ethics | HCA 5013 Healthcare Policy and Ethical Leadership |
HCA 4533 - Group Practice Management | HCA 5233 Integrated Medical Practice Management |
HCA 3/4000 Level Elective (3 hrs) | HCA 5423 - Health Services Technology and Application |
HCA, BADM, or MGMT 3/4000 Level Elective (3 hrs) | HCA 5853 - Critical Issues in Healthcare |
- Business Analytics Certificate
- Business Basics Certificate
- Digital Marketing Certificate
- Event Management Certificate
- Healthcare Administration Certificate
- Healthcare Information Analytics Certificate
- Human Resources Management Certificate
- International Business Certificate
- Long Term Care Administration Certificate
- Operations and Supply Chain Management Certificate
- Project Management Certificate
- Quality Management Certificate
- Small Business Certificate
- Soft Skills Certificate
Student Information
Click here for HOA student information.
Degree Available
- Online
Transferring To NSU?
Make your transition to NSU as smooth and seamless as possible.
Visit Transfer Student Services for more information.
Career Services
What can I do with a major in Health Organizations Administration?
Program Chair
Dr. Athena Wooldridge
(918) 444-2963