CBT Oklahoma Works Grant

The College of Business and Technology and Ship Premier Logistics, LLC have once again been awarded an Oklahoma Works grant, marking their third consecutive award. This grant will further support our ongoing efforts to inform and enhance the Supply Chain and Logistics Workforce.

In the previous two years, the college collaborated with community organizations to conduct and refine a sector workforce study. This study provided valuable insights into the industry and paved the way for the creation of an informational website called the Supply Chain & Logistics Workforce Partnership (https://www.supplychainlogisticswp.org/).  

The website serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to learn more about careers in the Supply Chain and Logistics sector. It provides information on different career paths, educational requirements, and job opportunities within the industry.

The College of Business and Technology also hosted two successful conferences at NSU Broken Arrow. These conferences brought together industry professionals, educators, and students to discuss the latest trends and challenges in the field of Supply Chain and Logistics.

This year, the college is shifting the focus of this free conference to high school students on March 7, 2024. Recognizing the importance of introducing young minds to the promising careers in this sector, we aim to provide high school students with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse opportunities available in Supply Chain and Logistics. Through interactive sessions and workshops, students will get a firsthand experience of the industry and gain insights into potential career paths.

By partnering with Ship Premier Logistics and leveraging the Oklahoma Works grant, the College of Business and Technology continues to make significant strides in improving the Supply Chain and Logistics Workforce. We remain dedicated to empowering students and raising awareness about careers in this thriving industry.

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